How 4 Emotions Impact Effective Crisis Response

Managing a crisis is like wrestling with a giant Octopus. There are many tentacles your crisis leaders must be trained to understand and manage. Four of those tentacles are public emotions: shock, fear, grieving and anger. These emotions can skew the public’s normal thought processes and often override facts during a crisis. Therefore crisis leaders …

3 Ways Media Training Can Boost Your Career (even non-spokespersons)

The military has a reputation for taking undisciplined recruits and turning them into highly disciplined men and women. Discipline and focus on the battle field can save your life. Similarly, good media training brings discipline to how you think and communicate in the workplace; it can provide the right boost for your team and career. …

EMOTIONS & CRISIS RESPONSE: How Emotions Can Sink Brands

Crisis Response: The Role of Emotions Branson emergency response officials have been in crisis response mode for days since a Duck Boat full of tourists sank during a storm. The tragedy claimed 17 lives and the Coast Guard has finally recovered the water-logged boat from its resting place at the bottom of Table Rock Lake outside …


Crisis Leadership & Spokesperson Skills –  Mismanaged crises eat up valuable time, resources and money. Failed leadership leads to failed crisis management. Mismanaging crises can destroy lives, careers, employee morale and stakeholder trust – impacting organizations for years and even decades.  This is the final part of a special 3-part series on effective crisis leadership …