The Situation: Crisis management planning is essential to succeeding in a crisis – the right crisis team, crisis plans, crisis drills, media training and crisis consulting team can make all the difference. A chemical group experienced several newsworthy events within a short period of time. The third event resulted in the “shelter in place” of more than 42,000 residents. The community was shut down and many businesses were also affected. The plant site is located near a major waterway and busy roadways. We had worked with this client for a long time to improve their crisis preparedness, which included updated crisis plans, crisis drills, improved media kits, stakeholder relation programs, media outreach, community initiatives and much more.

The Results: The organization responded quickly to ensure the safety of everyone. Many news organizations covered this event and also provided coverage to national news outlets. Benchmark’s teams helped the company use its crisis plans to work with the media and address stakeholder issues and needs. Thanks to solid community relationships, local officials were very supportive and spoke favorably about the chemical company and its crisis response to keep everyone safe. The media coverage was short lived and the organization was able to resume normal operations.